WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - side view
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - side view w/ iron work gate
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral w/ Charlemagne statue
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral w/ fall foliage
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral w/ barge on the Seine
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Someone Lost His Head
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Looking Up
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Apostles, right side of door
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Apostles, left side of door
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Christ in Judgement over door
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral w/ Flying Buttresses
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - North Rose WIndow
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - South Transcept Stained-Glass
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - South Rose WIndow
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Altar
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Interior View
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Stained Glass
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Stained Glass
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Rose Window Close-Up
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Rose Window
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - View from the River
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Gargoyles
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Our Lady Votives
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Scale Model
WVJazzman: Notre Dame Cathedral - Altar of the Crown of Thorns