saul landell: Hacia tantos años que no alzaba la cara, que me olvide del cielo
AnomalousNYC: Francisco
michele liberti: senza titolo - From the series - My camera sees as my eyes -
brainburger: the road wants you on it
brainburger: and I saw the many alongside on the same road watching with me...hoping for a refuge. Who will give it to them?
brainburger: I'm not sorry for the love we made
tim lowly: flight (after nikki willson)
brainburger: the gathering
Maciej Dakowicz: Pota-toes - Sonepur, India
gunnisal: Dzaleka Girl
brainburger: "we are spirits in a material world"...Sting
minions & myrmidons: lied to his mother
LindsayStark: Fisherman
clive sax: Below the Waterworks
Traciѐ: Jamaica
debfreemansmudge: Solar Eclipse 2015 Brinscall
Robbi Hüner:
Rui Palha: A rainy day street scene