profegreg422: Bee hummingbird, male (zumzumcito)
profegreg422: Bee hummingbird, female (zumzumcito)
profegreg422: American Redstart
profegreg422: Black-Throated Blue Warbler
profegreg422: Yellow-Throated Warbler
profegreg422: Yellow-Headed Warbler
profegreg422: Cuban Trogon (tocoroco)
profegreg422: Cuban Tody
profegreg422: Cuban Emerald Hummingbird (zumzum)
profegreg422: Black and White Warbler
profegreg422: Cave Swallows
profegreg422: Red-Legged Thrush
profegreg422: Palm Warbler (virigita común)
profegreg422: Black-Throated Blue Warbler, female
profegreg422: Antillean Oriole, male
profegreg422: Green Cuban Woodpecker
profegreg422: Eastern Kingbird
profegreg422: Great Antillean Grackle
profegreg422: Cuban Blackbird ... with horse