Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Can I sit on your head?
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come.
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: I wish, I wish......I wish I might....
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Who needs reindeer, when you can have dogs?
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Even Picasso had PINK moments....
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Life is like pictures in a photo album. You can look back on the moments, but you can never recapture them.
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: You are a blessing!!!
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: The reason for my absence
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Hope I am not forgotten yet....
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Sometimes, someone says something really small and it just fits right into this empty place in your heart.
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Food for thought...
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Alec loves chillies....
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Now that I am on the cover of a magazine.....
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: I am on a road to Nowhere...
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Hake and chips...
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Seafood curry
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction!
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: A room with a view
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: It is winter, it is cold, and I do not spend much time on flickr anymore because of that.
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Man loves company even if it is only that of a small burning candle
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Happiness.....
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: Happy birthday Mary.
Greta ~adores~ Pink~~~~: There is no velvet so soft as a mother’s lap...