VeitHausmann: father and son, fishing (Lago di Garda 2020)
VeitHausmann: The bridge
VeitHausmann: thinkin' of when
VeitHausmann: La Vespa
VeitHausmann: Lazise / Lago di Garda
VeitHausmann: Lamberti in the Mist
VeitHausmann: Mr. Bassman
VeitHausmann: The canal
VeitHausmann: Satyr, Ratskeller Münster
VeitHausmann: Sunday Morning Walk
VeitHausmann: Crying bush
VeitHausmann: November / December
VeitHausmann: waiting for the appointment
VeitHausmann: Rolling Home
VeitHausmann: Me, and my shadow
VeitHausmann: The Porsche 912 and the Bookstore II (b&w)
VeitHausmann: Streetshoting day, the observer
VeitHausmann: Waiting for the wife
VeitHausmann: Floor Lamp
VeitHausmann: Hungry Demon
VeitHausmann: Guess what?
VeitHausmann: Puppet heads
VeitHausmann: Garage
VeitHausmann: The Office of the forgotten employee
VeitHausmann: Porsche 911 Targa, Instruments
VeitHausmann: Banana
VeitHausmann: Istanbul
VeitHausmann: the wifes morning coffee