campviola: sand rd 2 IMG_9899 copy
campviola: Crazy Wheat
campviola: Portland food truck!
campviola: combine-0591
campviola: Early season harvest
campviola: field-2479.2
campviola: Down that Lonesome Road
campviola: zack rd-5224.2
campviola: palouse-2467
campviola: searching for nector
campviola: Pancho IMG_9105
campviola: appy's-
campviola: Last Light
T i s d a l e: Summer Icon
Jeff Clow: The Barn
GORGEous nature: Merlin 20150401_6084
T i s d a l e: Pink Fetish
Jeff Clow: Morning Glory via iPhone
Jo Tarot: A small break in sepia
Jo Tarot: all rows lead to home
Jo Tarot: Big tires
Jeff Clow: A Thursday Morning at Oxbow
Phil Bleau: Lluvia de Rayos I HDR
Mulewings~: Intense
Mulewings~: Ariel
Mulewings~: The Red Rock
Mulewings~: A touch~when no one is looking
Mulewings~: Hen Fruits
Mulewings~: Morris ~ the intense look...
Mulewings~: Happy Halloween