Evagq: 2 / 52 Infrared
Evagq: 3/52
Evagq: 4/52
Evagq: 5/52
Evagq: 6/52. Nocturna
Evagq: 7/52 Love
Evagq: 8/52. Bokeh.
Evagq: 9/52 Dressing up
Evagq: 10/52 Leading Lines
Evagq: Feliz bajo el sol. Happy under the sun
Evagq: 12/52 Textures
Evagq: 13/52 Natural light portrait
Evagq: 14/52 Happy Easter !
Evagq: Bodegón de nostalgia. 15/52. Pushed. Fuera de mi 'zona de confort'.
Evagq: 16/152
Evagq: 17/52
Evagq: 18/52
Evagq: 19/52: Paisaje. Landscape.
Evagq: 20/52 Chapter 2
Evagq: 21/52 I wish I could fly
Evagq: 22/52 A tourist in my town. Un turista en mi ciudad.
Evagq: 23/52. Spotlight
Evagq: 24/52 Fotocopia. Photocopy
Evagq: 27/52. Your own piece of art
Evagq: 28/52 Artificial light portrait
Evagq: 29/52. Tilt-shift
Evagq: 30/52 From this point ( Season 3) Summer and fan .... Suffering the third heatwave in Spain
Evagq: 35/52 Black and white