bren mulcahy: You are a dog. Unless you stop calling yourself a cat, the government is going to impose direct rule.
bren mulcahy: Proper Fish and Chips.
bren mulcahy: Nothingness is not the absence of something.
bren mulcahy: You know, you can find mystery anywhere. Right? You just have to look closer.
bren mulcahy: Achilles. Achilles. We need you to show us how to live. We need a hero.
bren mulcahy: I got a feelin, somebody's watchin me!
bren mulcahy: Anybody can turn things around, even if they have lived in a gutter.
bren mulcahy: Is there any end to all of this absurdity.
bren mulcahy: The blessed virgin Mary appearing on an escalator in East London.
bren mulcahy: I overdosed on pills, but wasn't really brave enough to do the real thing.
bren mulcahy: Do you do drugs? Nah! I used to. I'm goin to meetings now.
bren mulcahy: Where do we go from here?
bren mulcahy: I spend my days chasing shadows.
bren mulcahy: Formidable divisions.
bren mulcahy: Woke up this morning. Forgot who I was.
bren mulcahy: How could I take you or anything seriously when I just saw myself as a joke.
bren mulcahy: A cold wash on a February morning.
bren mulcahy: I was aware now that I was all alone. My solitude and isolation was complete.
bren mulcahy: If you are just thinking about what will be, you are already dead.
bren mulcahy: Even though I am alone, all things are still possible.
bren mulcahy: Dude, why are you hanging around in graveyards all the time? I mean what the f**k?
bren mulcahy: You think I'm selfish? I mean what does that even mean anymore in the age of Trump.
bren mulcahy: My mother in law, doing her best Don Corleone impression.
bren mulcahy: Following the light in St Peter's.
bren mulcahy: We need to get some perspective on this.
bren mulcahy: I can't really understand why, but I just felt protected.
bren mulcahy: During that summer in London, I can honestly say that I was free.
bren mulcahy: All I want is to be able to live in the moment. But I keep thinking about the past and worrying about the future. I hate my mind.
bren mulcahy: The appearance of an angel in St Peter's.
bren mulcahy: Watching the light shift slowly across the bark. Making it bulge and contort and come alive. Does the light move the tree away from, or.....bring it closer to reality.