bren mulcahy: We held hands watching the world burning to the ground, and wished we could die right there and then amongst the flames.
bren mulcahy: I need to look at things from your perspective.
bren mulcahy: What do you think my dear of the role of a guilty and constricted white imagination that has been assigned to the blacks?
bren mulcahy: As Keith Richards once said to Slash from Gun's n Roses:- "You never break up the band, no matter what happens." (Yeah right, I don't see any Axle Rose in the Rolling Stones.)
bren mulcahy: Lemons which have been artificially attached to a tree. For the purpose of helping us meditate on the mystery of existence.
bren mulcahy: How far is it possible to get inside the colour yellow?
bren mulcahy: Our love was a slow burner, until you eventually got under my fingernails.
bren mulcahy: You never stopped searching...over days, weeks, months, years and decades. You never stopped. You always remembered that moment.
bren mulcahy: Purple Haze.
bren mulcahy: Starry, starry night.
bren mulcahy: Looking back, I can see that I was a selfish bastard. But I'm an unbelievably nice guy now.
bren mulcahy: I am not sure if any my earliest treasured memories actually happened.
bren mulcahy: Dripping yellow.
bren mulcahy: Another way to explore the universe without a telescope.
bren mulcahy: When I saw her, I could hear a crackling sound in my head.
bren mulcahy: Fungal Delight.
bren mulcahy: Bridge of Angels - Rome
bren mulcahy: Night-time on the underground - London
bren mulcahy: Life after shrooms.
bren mulcahy: Gasometer - East London
bren mulcahy: If only we could return to the unquenchable and spontaneous wonder of our childhoods. To unlearn all of this adult bull-shit.
bren mulcahy: Biker meditation.
bren mulcahy: Finding peace in the Royal Docks - East London
bren mulcahy: I wish I was a little bit taller.
bren mulcahy: Trying to get so close to the clouds, you can almost touch them.
bren mulcahy: Rusty - Jack Russell Terrier and serial killer of sheep in the local area. - At the exact moment of his arrival from another quantum dimension.
bren mulcahy: I kept chasing and chasing but there was no ending.
bren mulcahy: Freaks of Nature portraits - Untitled - "I can barely remember when I came to this forest. Maybe it was because I was running away from bad things. But I am beyond good and evil now."
bren mulcahy: I can't listen to the frickin news anymore. All the serious people, with their nice ties and posh accents...and the loud but undeeply held opinions. I'm heading up to the mountains.
bren mulcahy: All by myself.....