bren mulcahy: Freaks of Nature portraits - "At one point, I just gave up on always trying not to scare all the nice mums and kids on the street. I just took off the mask and let it all hang out. And right then..I was free at last!"
bren mulcahy: Freaks of Nature portraits - Melancholic Marvin - "I keep popping the zanax all through the day, just to get through the day. This life is not easy!"
bren mulcahy: Freaks of Nature Portraits: - "The only real friends I have ever had are here in the underground. They smell like me. Look weird just like me. And have got kicked around forever like me. We look out for each other down here."
bren mulcahy: Freaks of Nature Portraits: - "They called him Slick."
bren mulcahy: Freaks of Nature portraits - Untitled - "I can barely remember when I came to this forest. Maybe it was because I was running away from bad things. But I am beyond good and evil now."
bren mulcahy: Freaks of Nature portraits - Morris the Chin "I told all those sons of bitches back in school that if any of them laid another hand on me, I would get my dad's gun from under the bed and use it on them."
bren mulcahy: Freaks of nature portraits - Reginald
bren mulcahy: Freaks of Nature portraits: "In the end, I had to learn how to laugh and make fun at my own expense, in order to make others feel more comfortable in my company. People are fairly predictable."
bren mulcahy: Haunted tree
bren mulcahy: Freaks of Nature portraits: "The life is hard, but I guess it's hard for everyone. We are all suffering in our own ways. The Buddha came down from the mountain to tell us all about that, didn't he!"