bren mulcahy: Sunrise overlooking pic d'ani - pyrenees
bren mulcahy: First contact
bren mulcahy: The last flicker of sunlight in the Dolomites.
bren mulcahy: Sacred Cow
bren mulcahy: On the way to Everest Base Camp
bren mulcahy: Looking back towards Gokyo Ri lake and Mount Everest.
bren mulcahy: Perfect symmetry in the Dolomites.
bren mulcahy: A cloud exploding over a glacier in the alps. Near Mont Blanc.
bren mulcahy: A taste of perfection in the French Pyrenees - Lescun Valley
bren mulcahy: A dance between a cloud and a mountain in the Dolomites.
bren mulcahy: A thin red line.
bren mulcahy: Sacred stone in the Himalayas.
bren mulcahy: We were trapped between a giant brown mountain and the giant blue sea. Whenever we sobered up...just a sense of hopelessness.
bren mulcahy: In the tentacles of a glacier - fenetre d'arpette
bren mulcahy: Feeling on top in County Kerry - Ireland
bren mulcahy: I chase these moments the same way a dog suicidly chases after a car on the street. They are the moments I realise that everything out there is much bigger than me.
bren mulcahy: Freaks of Nature portraits - Morris the Chin "I told all those sons of bitches back in school that if any of them laid another hand on me, I would get my dad's gun from under the bed and use it on them."
bren mulcahy: I can't listen to the frickin news anymore. All the serious people, with their nice ties and posh accents...and the loud but undeeply held opinions. I'm heading up to the mountains.
bren mulcahy: Where is the place where all these thoughts can be wiped away. It is a place, much like death, where you are free at last from all the noise.
bren mulcahy: I want to go to a place where I don't have to talk, or to think. Where the place itself is the thought and the word.
bren mulcahy: Freaks of Nature portraits - Melancholic Marvin - "I keep popping the zanax all through the day, just to get through the day. This life is not easy!"
bren mulcahy: Heart-shaped lake in the Lescun Valley - Pyrenees
bren mulcahy: "Know your place!" - Himalayas
bren mulcahy: Going beyond all those thoughts and the place where "I" no longer exists. Shangri-la.
bren mulcahy: These moments are happening all the time, all over the world, even while you are sleeping. Watching refugio lagusoi and the amazing Dolomites during sunset.
bren mulcahy: Mountain portrait
bren mulcahy: A dance between clouds and glaciers.
bren mulcahy: He gave up drugs and alcohol and then discovered....
bren mulcahy: Getting high with the Lord.
bren mulcahy: A different kind of ocean.