bren mulcahy: Britain sailing off into the brexit sunset. A land which will endlessly flow with milk and of all types of foreigners and Brussels beurocrats telling us how we should shape our bananas.
bren mulcahy: Finding peace in the Royal Docks - East London
bren mulcahy: I chase these moments the same way a dog suicidly chases after a car on the street. They are the moments I realise that everything out there is much bigger than me.
bren mulcahy: Rusty - Jack Russell Terrier and serial killer of sheep in the local area. - At the exact moment of his arrival from another quantum dimension.
bren mulcahy: To hell with reality. I want the pink fluffy clouds and duff beer.
bren mulcahy: Trying to get so close to the clouds, you can almost touch them.
bren mulcahy: A sacred moment contained in a London Gasometer.
bren mulcahy: A thin red line.
bren mulcahy: Bridge of Angels - Rome
bren mulcahy: Gasometer - East London
bren mulcahy: Cable car vs Chinook helicopter - East London
bren mulcahy: Sunset over the Royal Docks - East London
bren mulcahy: The last flicker of sunlight in the Dolomites.
bren mulcahy: Sunrise overlooking pic d'ani - pyrenees
bren mulcahy: Simple pleasures in Santorini
bren mulcahy: We kept watch over that endless expanse for years, which turned into decades. No boats ever came to collect us or armies to invade us. It took us about 20 years to realise we had fallen off the map and had been forgotten about.
bren mulcahy: Sunset on Broadway Market - East London
bren mulcahy: These moments are happening all the time, all over the world, even while you are sleeping. Watching refugio lagusoi and the amazing Dolomites during sunset.
bren mulcahy: We held hands watching the world burning to the ground, and wished we could die right there and then amongst the flames.
bren mulcahy: Be quite. Look closely. And you will find the places where spirit is concentrated.
bren mulcahy: It means whatever you want it to mean.
bren mulcahy: Alone with the mountain.
bren mulcahy: A different kind of ocean.
bren mulcahy: We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll.
bren mulcahy: All great things fade away in the end.
bren mulcahy: Coquettish CCTV
bren mulcahy: The sunset always takes us away from reality, and let's be honest, we need our delusions just to keep going.
bren mulcahy: I wanted to be with you, but only in a world which wasn't real.
bren mulcahy: I couldn't see what the tourists were paying to see. I was just biding my time to get the he'll out of there.
bren mulcahy: There are no endings or beginnings. These are only illusions.