bren mulcahy: We want to be able to shoot at cans in the desert. We want our freedom.
bren mulcahy: Summer had ended, but I had nowhere else to go, so I stayed there.
bren mulcahy: What can I say. When you're dead, you're dead.
bren mulcahy: We drove all night, until we couldn't remember where we were going, or why.
bren mulcahy: The words were always escaping me.
bren mulcahy: You were talking like it was the end of the world.
bren mulcahy: Every time I ended up on my ass, I just got back up again and moved on.
bren mulcahy: How deep is your love?
bren mulcahy: I went to the end of the world to find peace and I found......
bren mulcahy: Why is it so hard for some to surrender. This is the source of all our problems.
bren mulcahy: He was like a chameleon, swapping personalities for different friends.
bren mulcahy: Go to the desert if you are looking for God.
bren mulcahy: We all fought with each other to get little bits of her attention.
bren mulcahy: Who knows what is coming around the corner.
bren mulcahy: Hear no evil, see no evil.
bren mulcahy: If I can selfy myself enough, i can then prove that I really do exist.
bren mulcahy: I wasted all those years wishing I could go back and change things.
bren mulcahy: It was a type of love which didn't allow for the flow of oxygen.
bren mulcahy: I had to be honest with myself. She was out of my league.
bren mulcahy: We struggle to understand reality. So, we run away instead.
bren mulcahy: Low self-esteem. High self-esteem. How do ya measure that stuff anyhow.
bren mulcahy: I felt like I'd gone 15 rounds and no-one had laid a hand on me.
bren mulcahy: Keep becoming. That never ends.
bren mulcahy: I hate reality. I don't want anything to do with it.
bren mulcahy: What good is other peoples love, if you can't love yourself.
bren mulcahy: My biggest fear was that I would always be alone.
bren mulcahy: The youth of today. I just don't know how to talk to them.
bren mulcahy: The only thing I can guarantee you is that everything is going to change.
bren mulcahy: The kryptonite was buried deep in the bowels of the volcano.
bren mulcahy: I don't deserve this. Is somebody going to take it away.