blair.kooistra: Monsoon Thunderstorm, Shoemaker, NM 1986
blair.kooistra: Eastbound, Wagon Mound, New Mexico, 1996
blair.kooistra: Westbound near Buenos, Texas, 1996
blair.kooistra: Westbound, west of Sweetwater, TX, 1996
blair.kooistra: Engine facility, Alliance Yard, Texas
blair.kooistra: Night shift, Alliance, Texas
blair.kooistra: On its last legs, near Ponder, Texas, 2014
blair.kooistra: Thunderstorm, Shoemaker, New Mexico, 1986
blair.kooistra: New GE's westbound, Matfield Green, KS, summer 1994
blair.kooistra: Eastbound Santa Fe QLAAL, Baird Hill, Texas, February 16, 1996
blair.kooistra: Eastbound Slaton-Alliance manifest, Brazos River, Bennett, Texas May, 1996
blair.kooistra: Westbound MALBA, Baird, TX September 11, 1996
blair.kooistra: Santa Fe Denver-Barstow manifest faces the setting sun at Mindeman, CO on September 2, 1996.
blair.kooistra: Eastbound on the high plains, Simpson, CO, September 4, 1996
blair.kooistra: Eastbound grain empty, Apache Canyon, New Mexico, June 1997
blair.kooistra: Eastbound in a rainshower, Levy, New Mexico, 1997
blair.kooistra: Eastbound manifest near Model, Colorado, September 4, 1996
blair.kooistra: Eastbound on the Great Plains, Simpson, Colorado, September 1, 1996
blair.kooistra: Eastbound Belen-Denver freight, Mindeman, Colorado, September 4, 1996
blair.kooistra: Manifests meet, Watrous, NM May 20, 1997
blair.kooistra: Westbound manifest, East Levy, NM May 20, 1997
blair.kooistra: Westbound Amtrak #3, Southwest Chief, MP 786 east of Chappelle, NM May 20, 1997
blair.kooistra: Eastbound manifest, Apache Canyon, NM just east of Lamy, starting up the 3% grade to Glorieta. May, 1997.\
blair.kooistra: Eastbound manifest at Springer, NM May 20, 1997
blair.kooistra: Eastbound manifest, Chappelle, New Mexico May, 1997
blair.kooistra: Eastbound on the Clovis Subdivision, May, 1997
blair.kooistra: A rare meet at Levy, NM. . . .August 28, 1996
blair.kooistra: After rocketing across the plains from Raton, westbound Amtrak #3 has really pinched down the speed to negotiate the curves between Shoemaker and Watrous, NM. August 29, 1996.
blair.kooistra: A lucky morning, September 2, 1996, found me with two freight trains converging on the double horseshoe curve at Blanchard (Ribera), New Mexico. Led by four blue and yellow EMDs, the eastbound descends the grade first. September 2, 1996
blair.kooistra: The second freight of the morning, a westbound, wraps around the double horseshoe at Blanchard (Ribera) New Mexico. September 2, 1996