Jasonbackcountry.com: Northern Saw-whet Owl in my yard
Jasonbackcountry.com: Fox Sparrow Singing
Jasonbackcountry.com: Anna's Hummingbird feeding 2 young at nest. Rarely documented in the Treasure Valley! 5th documented nest in Idaho! They fledged the next day.
Jasonbackcountry.com: White-headed Woodpecker
Jasonbackcountry.com: Northern Saw-whet Owl
Jasonbackcountry.com: Northern Saw-whet Owl
Jasonbackcountry.com: Great Gray Owl
Jasonbackcountry.com: Great Gray Owl
Jasonbackcountry.com: Great Gray Owl
Jasonbackcountry.com: Great Gray Owl
Jasonbackcountry.com: A December Spotted Sandpiper in Boise, ID
Jasonbackcountry.com: A December Spotted Sandpiper in Boise, ID
Jasonbackcountry.com: Rare Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
Jasonbackcountry.com: Rare Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
Jasonbackcountry.com: Rare Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
Jasonbackcountry.com: Rare Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
Jasonbackcountry.com: Northern Mockingbird
Jasonbackcountry.com: Northern Mockingbird
Jasonbackcountry.com: Northern Mockingbird
Jasonbackcountry.com: Northern Mockingbird
Jasonbackcountry.com: Trumpeter Swan
Jasonbackcountry.com: Red-naped Sapsucker
Jasonbackcountry.com: Scott's Oriole
Jasonbackcountry.com: Scott's Oriole
Jasonbackcountry.com: Scott's Oriole
Jasonbackcountry.com: Scott's Oriole
Jasonbackcountry.com: A protective Northern Harrier as I walked by
Jasonbackcountry.com: A protective Northern Harrier as I walked by
Jasonbackcountry.com: A protective Northern Harrier as I walked by