hobbie: On Location
hobbie: Baby its cold out here
hobbie: Just passing the time
hobbie: Oooh you taking a photo of me?
hobbie: Ruined Tower, St Mary's, East Somerton
hobbie: BOO!
hobbie: West Somerton Church
hobbie: Spooky Ruins
hobbie: No Sunrise, so made my own
hobbie: Just bobbobbobbing along
hobbie: Abandon Ship!
hobbie: Hide and Seek
hobbie: Boardwalk Sculthorpe Moor
hobbie: Hello gorgeous
hobbie: Woo, just landed
hobbie: Now where's my car?
hobbie: Twoo
hobbie: Twit
hobbie: Catch me if you can
hobbie: Eye eye
hobbie: Come on I want to go flying
hobbie: We have lift off
hobbie: Bird on a Wing (Mirror)
hobbie: I've got my beady eye on you
hobbie: Phew made it Mum!
hobbie: My two fellas
hobbie: Am I gorgeous or what?
hobbie: Have you got a satnav Nana?
hobbie: Maaaaa wait for me!
hobbie: Delicate white