VioLum (very busy): Handwerk - Craft
VioLum (very busy): 4:13 p.m. at Slomanhaus, Hamburg
VioLum (very busy): Handelskammer - Chamber of Commerce
VioLum (very busy): orange and a litte bit of green
VioLum (very busy): No stairs!
VioLum (very busy): Stella-Haus, Hamburg
VioLum (very busy): spiral me up
VioLum (very busy): |||||||||| | | |||||||
VioLum (very busy): Why did they change the form?
VioLum (very busy): Nicht ganz 5 - not completly 5
VioLum (very busy): At the End there is a light
VioLum (very busy): Round and round - but in squares! ;-)
VioLum (very busy): Blau - Blue
VioLum (very busy): higher and higher - höher und höher
VioLum (very busy): steep - steil
VioLum (very busy): Into the light
VioLum (very busy): Rund mit Ecke - round with an edge
VioLum (very busy): old meets new - alt trifft neu
VioLum (very busy): Spitzen - Peaks
VioLum (very busy): Handrail - Geländer