VioLum (very busy): gespenstisch - ghostly
VioLum (very busy): red carpet - roter Teppich
VioLum (very busy): in a window reflected windows
VioLum (very busy): Tulpe - Tulip
VioLum (very busy): Looking through
VioLum (very busy): Zierkirsche - ornamental cherry tree
VioLum (very busy): round and round
VioLum (very busy): Happy Easter! - Frohe Ostern!
VioLum (very busy): Durchblick und Draufblick - looking through and looking at
VioLum (very busy): unrund - unround
VioLum (very busy): opening soon
VioLum (very busy): Die Zwei hinter'm Zaun - The two behind the fence
VioLum (very busy): Is it Christmas again? - Is' scho' wieder Weihnachten?
VioLum (very busy): Abandoned or not abandoned - that's the question.
VioLum (very busy): Märzenbecher - spring snowflake
VioLum (very busy): Sternen-Tempel - Astral-Temple
VioLum (very busy): Arbeiter - Worker
VioLum (very busy): Zaubernuss
VioLum (very busy): schräg - slanting
VioLum (very busy): neu / alt - new / old
VioLum (very busy): harbinger of spring - Frühlingsbote
VioLum (very busy): 4 Ships and a Lantern