Michael Vickey: Unknown 24D pt. Font - Diamond Pin Mark
Michael Vickey: Unknown 24D pt. Font - Diamond Pin Mark
Michael Vickey: Unknown 24D pt. Font - Diamond Pin Mark
Michael Vickey: 36 pt. Thorne Shaded - S&B
Michael Vickey: 36 pt. Thorne Shaded - S&B
Michael Vickey: 24 pt. Gold Rush - Typefounders Phoenix and ?
Michael Vickey: 24 pt. Gold Rush - Typefounders Phoenix and ?
Michael Vickey: Monotype Hadriano Stonecut - 24 pt., 36 pt.
Michael Vickey: Hamilton Quarter-size Cabinet
Michael Vickey: Hamilton Quarter-size Cabinet
Michael Vickey: Hamilton Quarter-size Cabinet
Michael Vickey: Hamilton Quarter-size Cabinet
Michael Vickey: GraphicText-3
Michael Vickey: FancyText-2
Michael Vickey: GraphicText-2