隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 匆匆 (hurriedly)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 跟著人群去旅行...Pass by
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 車站內的孤獨老人(an isolated old man..)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 馬路一景 (night view on the road..)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 攤販的偷閒 (Loaf on the job)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 年輕 熱情的歲月 (Guitar store)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 吉他霓虹燈 (Guitar store)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 人行道上堆滿的腳踏車(bike cluster)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 白色重機(a heavy moto-bike)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 市場內的台灣味道(Taiwanese food in tranditional market)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 鹽埕舊鐵橋(old overpass)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: Yashica Yashion DS-M 50mm/1.7
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: New toy~~Yashica DS-M 50/1.7
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 人客散去
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 夢幻般的海尼根
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 飲料櫥窗 (baverage closet)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 晶瑩剔透的酒瓶(bling bling bottle)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 窗台的紫色天使草 (purple heart on the windowsill)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 迷濛的摩天輪 (Ferris wheel in blurring)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 鎂光燈下的焦點 (the dog under the spotlight..)
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 深情的小提琴手 | 高雄台鋁
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 一圈一圈的圓 | the Circles celling
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 妳的背影 | her figure...
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 女孩的淺淺微笑 | your Smile
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 傳送到太空的天線 | the antenna to the space
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 夜晚的情人散步 | 高雄星光碼頭
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 霓虹燈影..絢麗的一剎那
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 散步隨拍
隨風飛翔的鷹~~: 散步隨拍