daniel.holtzman: There are lots of sidecars in Havana, but everyone just doubles up on the motorcycle
daniel.holtzman: The end of Avenida Presidencial
daniel.holtzman: Remember that line about "Angels in the Architecture" from "You can call me Al"? I love that album.
daniel.holtzman: Looking like we did, no one beleived we were really tourists
daniel.holtzman: The architecture in Havana is so decadent
daniel.holtzman: American Gangster, cuban mechanic
daniel.holtzman: Central Park
daniel.holtzman: An unfinished Russian Orthodox church
daniel.holtzman: The cars in Havana rule!
daniel.holtzman: Leisurely Stroll
daniel.holtzman: I kept passing this window, I found the Escher like stairs so intriguing
daniel.holtzman: Whenever I travel I end up with hundreds of boring photos of buildings. I tried to show you only the best ones.
daniel.holtzman: It's amazing what crappy apartments we have in NYC
daniel.holtzman: Is Isa thikning about painting her house pale pink and blue? I hope not!
daniel.holtzman: El castillo de moros. Or the setting for the jail scenes in "Before Night Falls," if you are familiar....
daniel.holtzman: There are a million ways to get around Havana!
daniel.holtzman: This piece of Art Deco Eye-Candy is the Bacardi Building. Something tells me that their new headquarters in Puerto Rico are probably not as nice.
daniel.holtzman: Detail on top of the Bacardi building.
daniel.holtzman: It's hot in Havana, you need to cool off.
daniel.holtzman: One way is with a Bacardi Building Bar Mojito!
daniel.holtzman: Las Chicas del Viaje. Gabriela, Joan (mom to me), and Isabel
daniel.holtzman: Hotel Inglaterra and the National Theater
daniel.holtzman: When all the French kids run around Brooklyn "making pictures of the graf!" I get angry, yet here I am....It's good "graf" though.
daniel.holtzman: Molly Who? Molly Moo! (P.S. I LOVED the playing card museum)
daniel.holtzman: The Jack of Hard Cheese and the 10 of olive oil beats 2 pair?
daniel.holtzman: Any playing cards that have daggers and ham as suits must be from Spain
daniel.holtzman: These cards were made by a paint company. I am envious of that toy horse.
daniel.holtzman: I like the way the Persian Prince is leisurely shooting his arrow.
daniel.holtzman: Maybe I should go as a fencer for halloween.