Tourist of the past: Tag der offenen Tür
Tourist of the past: be careful Eugene
Tourist of the past: Bitte setzen
Tourist of the past: Buntes Holz
Tourist of the past: Essen fassen
Tourist of the past: Explodierter Herd
Tourist of the past: Finsterste Zeit-nie wieder!!!
Tourist of the past: Flügeltür
Tourist of the past: Graffiti against Nazi!
Tourist of the past: Große Kantine
Tourist of the past: Heute kalte Platte
Tourist of the past: Hier spielt keiner mehr
Tourist of the past: Hohe Decke
Tourist of the past: Holztäfelung
Tourist of the past: kleines Foyer
Tourist of the past: kleines Zimmer
Tourist of the past: Milchglas
Tourist of the past: Morgentoilette
Tourist of the past: Nicht jugendfrei
Tourist of the past: Großes Theater
Tourist of the past: Gemeinschaftswaschbecken
Tourist of the past: No Graffiti!
Tourist of the past: Plenarsaal