Tourist of the past:
Budda Ulanbator
Tourist of the past:
Großer Khan Chingis
Tourist of the past:
Modernes Ulanbator
Tourist of the past:
Coole Opas
Tourist of the past:
Lamas bei der Arbeit
Tourist of the past:
Unzufriedenes Volk
Tourist of the past:
Tibetischer Buddismus
Tourist of the past:
Laber, laber
Tourist of the past:
Komm zu Mama
Tourist of the past:
Stein Schildi
Tourist of the past:
Nun komm!
Tourist of the past:
Es wird Winter in der Mongolei
Tourist of the past:
Ja, der fährt noch
Tourist of the past:
Long train
Tourist of the past:
Hab dich gefunden
Tourist of the past:
the great leader
Tourist of the past:
Ich brauche Luft
Tourist of the past:
come on in
Tourist of the past:
Buntes Dach
Tourist of the past:
Tourist of the past:
Was gibs da
Tourist of the past:
Ein bißchen Mehr bitte
Tourist of the past:
Warte Mama
Tourist of the past:
Zu Tisch
Tourist of the past:
Tourist of the past:
Ist noch genügend da
Tourist of the past:
Hab vergessen, was ich kaufen wollte
Tourist of the past:
Modern China
Tourist of the past:
Peking mal ohne Smog
Tourist of the past: