alyssachantilly04: From the Princess & the Pauper
alyssachantilly04: Princess Anneliese Singing Barbie
alyssachantilly04: Princess Erika Singing Barbie
alyssachantilly04: Princess Erika Singing Barbie
alyssachantilly04: From the Princess & the Pauper
alyssachantilly04: Ken as King Dominick
alyssachantilly04: Princess Odette with Wings that LIGHT UP
alyssachantilly04: Princess Odette with Wings that LIGHT UP
alyssachantilly04: From Swan Lake
alyssachantilly04: Teresa as the FAIRY QUEEN
alyssachantilly04: From Swan Lake
alyssachantilly04: Ken as Prince Daniel
alyssachantilly04: Ken as Prince Daniel (African American)
alyssachantilly04: Ken as Prince "Daniel" African American
alyssachantilly04: Barbie as the ROSE PRINCESS
alyssachantilly04: Barbie as the ROSE PRINCESS
alyssachantilly04: Ken as the ROSE PRINCE
alyssachantilly04: Ken as the ROSE PRINCE
alyssachantilly04: Barbie as Easy to Dress Princess
alyssachantilly04: Barbie as Easy to Dress Princess
alyssachantilly04: Barbie as the Princess Bride
alyssachantilly04: Barbie as the Princess Bride
alyssachantilly04: Shecan really throw her bouquet!
alyssachantilly04: Wedding Bouquet Barbie
alyssachantilly04: Comes with Wedding Cake, Champagne & Gla
alyssachantilly04: Dream Wedding Barbie
alyssachantilly04: Rare 1989 - Wedding Fantasy Barbie
alyssachantilly04: Rare 1989 - Wedding Fantasy Barbie
alyssachantilly04: Wal Mart SUPERSTAR Barbie
alyssachantilly04: Wal Mart SUPERSTAR Barbie