sjsimmons68: Black-necked Stilt
sjsimmons68: Red-footed Cannibalfly
sjsimmons68: Halloween Pennant
sjsimmons68: Limpkin
sjsimmons68: Northern Flicker
sjsimmons68: Cliff Swallow
sjsimmons68: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
sjsimmons68: Gray-green Clubtail
sjsimmons68: Northern Rough-winged Swallow with Nesting Material
sjsimmons68: Black-necked Stilt
sjsimmons68: Barn Swallow Fledgling
sjsimmons68: Golden-winged Skimmer
sjsimmons68: Semipalmated Sandpiper
sjsimmons68: Bobolink
sjsimmons68: Summer Tanager
sjsimmons68: Red-bellied Woodpecker
sjsimmons68: Least Tern
sjsimmons68: Black-crowned Night Heron
sjsimmons68: Purple Sandpiper
sjsimmons68: Purple Sandpiper
sjsimmons68: American Pipit
sjsimmons68: Crested Caracara
sjsimmons68: Sharp-shinned Hawk
sjsimmons68: Eastern Towhee
sjsimmons68: Bachman's Sparrow
sjsimmons68: Purple Martin
sjsimmons68: Great Blue Heron
sjsimmons68: Louisiana Waterthrush
sjsimmons68: Great Blue Heron with Crayfish
sjsimmons68: Black-bellied Whistling Duck