jacycoreyfry: writing mom's name on the board.
jacycoreyfry: getting sassy
jacycoreyfry: hey, get outta my fort!
jacycoreyfry: cheez weez
jacycoreyfry: sissies.
jacycoreyfry: how 'bout now?
jacycoreyfry: are we there, yet?
jacycoreyfry: carnie fishing
jacycoreyfry: fishing
jacycoreyfry: carnie slide = scary
jacycoreyfry: e+colin.
jacycoreyfry: grandpa's girl
jacycoreyfry: grandpa bobby, e, shaner.
jacycoreyfry: GIRLS!
jacycoreyfry: double smooch!
jacycoreyfry: keith eve before his wedding.
jacycoreyfry: keith annie jace
jacycoreyfry: we should be in bed, sleeping.
jacycoreyfry: ahhh my girl
jacycoreyfry: adam+esme
jacycoreyfry: annie: post high-kick off the couch
jacycoreyfry: so sweet.
jacycoreyfry: e+e snuggles
jacycoreyfry: weezy thinks she might like juice
jacycoreyfry: cheese monster