.Wadders: Japanese garden, Singapore
.Wadders: Super tree grove, light show
.Wadders: "Resting Dragonfly"
.Wadders: Studley Royal Water Garden
.Wadders: Studley Royal water garden
.Wadders: Flower and Cloud Forest domes,
.Wadders: Singapore 8111
.Wadders: Floating on buttercups
.Wadders: Beautiful and calming Japanese gardens
.Wadders: Aptly named, Dragronfly lake
.Wadders: Brodsworth Hall and Gardens
.Wadders: Giant Lilies at Gardens by the bay, Singapore
.Wadders: The "big" pagoda.
.Wadders: Alliums, Aquilegias and a wonky bird table
.Wadders: Curtain of gold
.Wadders: Meconopsis
.Wadders: Sunrise over dragon fly lake
.Wadders: Croome Lake
.Wadders: Bodnant Garden