tap6511: Miracles
tap6511: Grand Tetons
tap6511: Desert Oceans
tap6511: Desert Oceans with Flower
tap6511: Albuquerque Temple greenery
tap6511: Spring time in the dessert
tap6511: lake powell
tap6511: lamp post in chicago
tap6511: Route 666
tap6511: Life saver on a ship
tap6511: Rosarita
tap6511: adam ondi ahman
tap6511: adam ondi ahman
tap6511: Arizona highways road trip. So pretty. It makes me happy:)
tap6511: Arizona highways road trip. So pretty. It makes me happy:)
tap6511: Arizona highways road trip. So pretty. It makes me happy:)
tap6511: Arizona highways road trip. So pretty. It makes me happy:)
tap6511: Arizona highways road trip. So pretty. It makes me happy:)
tap6511: Arizona highways road trip. So pretty. It makes me happy:)
tap6511: Springtime in the desert is so beautiful! The weather was in the low 80s and just called for me to go on an adventure. I can't resist sharing these beautiful photos of a happy prickly pear cactus I saw along the way:)
tap6511: Springtime in the desert is so beautiful! The weather was in the low 80s and just called for me to go on an adventure. I can't resist sharing these beautiful photos of a happy prickly pear cactus I saw along the way:)
tap6511: Superior Mountains in Arizona - u LOVE Arizona!
tap6511: Lake Powell 2016- enjoying the view from Last Chance Bay
tap6511: Lake Powell 2016 - Perfect weather, glassy water, great week!
tap6511: Lake Powell 2016 - Perfect weather, glassy water, great week!
tap6511: Rainbow Bridge Lake Powell 2016 - Perfect weather, glassy water, great week!
tap6511: Sunset Crater - A volcano that erupted 900 years ago