SOSAfricaCharity: SOS Africa's Tereo Children
SOSAfricaCharity: Beautiful Drawings
SOSAfricaCharity: Budding Artists
SOSAfricaCharity: Learning and Growing Together
SOSAfricaCharity: Sipho, Marlene and Donvenicia
SOSAfricaCharity: Aftercare Manager Chloe
SOSAfricaCharity: Our Aftercare Classroom
SOSAfricaCharity: Marlene and Donvenicia
SOSAfricaCharity: Story Time
SOSAfricaCharity: Story Time
SOSAfricaCharity: Sensory Play
SOSAfricaCharity: Grade 1 school awards
SOSAfricaCharity: Happy to recieve an award
SOSAfricaCharity: Lovely smile for recieving an award
SOSAfricaCharity: Receiving awards for working hard at school
SOSAfricaCharity: Rewarding our Grade 1 students at Tereo for their hard work
SOSAfricaCharity: Beautiful drawings
SOSAfricaCharity: Building strong relationships
SOSAfricaCharity: Care and support
SOSAfricaCharity: Colouring time
SOSAfricaCharity: Drawing is a fun way to learn
SOSAfricaCharity: Eating is important for learning too!
SOSAfricaCharity: Encorporating excercise and playtime
SOSAfricaCharity: Enjoying a break after lessons