SOSAfricaCharity: Zuzakhe stuck into her book
SOSAfricaCharity: Zuzakhe enjoying her book
SOSAfricaCharity: Zuzakhe and Nasiphi reading together in the aftercare centre
SOSAfricaCharity: Tashnee reading
SOSAfricaCharity: Reading time with Madeline
SOSAfricaCharity: Melray reading with Madeline
SOSAfricaCharity: Melray reading her work
SOSAfricaCharity: Mechline reading with Madeline
SOSAfricaCharity: Lwazi reading with Madeline
SOSAfricaCharity: Lwazi preparing himself for reading!
SOSAfricaCharity: Lwazi enjoying reading time with Madeline
SOSAfricaCharity: Lwazi beginning reading
SOSAfricaCharity: Linden reading
SOSAfricaCharity: Having a story with
SOSAfricaCharity: Enjoying reading with Madeline
SOSAfricaCharity: Elvino reading
SOSAfricaCharity: Britney reading at Aftercare
SOSAfricaCharity: Boys enjoying their books
SOSAfricaCharity: Asandele reading away
SOSAfricaCharity: Asandele is very happy to start reading!
SOSAfricaCharity: Asandele excited by his book
SOSAfricaCharity: Asandele enjoying his book
SOSAfricaCharity: Andrew reading
SOSAfricaCharity: Amelo enjoying his book
SOSAfricaCharity: Othu reading
SOSAfricaCharity: Othu checking things up in the dictionary
SOSAfricaCharity: Matt reading with Dimpho