spidergirl47: our lovely hostel room
spidergirl47: Bayard & Craig at Champney Falls
spidergirl47: me climbing at Champney
spidergirl47: Joel starting a climb at Champney
spidergirl47: Craig belaying
spidergirl47: Joel moving onto a column
spidergirl47: another attempt....
spidergirl47: And up the column!
spidergirl47: wide view of Champney Falls
spidergirl47: other climbers at Champney
spidergirl47: hiking in to Frankenstein Cliffs
spidergirl47: Bayard heading up Frankenstein
spidergirl47: me & Bayard anchored at bottom of first pitch
spidergirl47: me climbing up the first pitch
spidergirl47: me at the top of Frankenstein
spidergirl47: anchored at top of Frankenstein
spidergirl47: hiking out from Frankenstein
spidergirl47: saved by AAA!