Barb120459: lightshow (explored 05/17/2015)
Barb120459: ...I've been through the desert on a horse with no name...(explored 2015/03/02)
Barb120459: Time and leisure and several shades of grey (explored 2015/03/11)
Barb120459: Sahara (Explored April,28, 2015)
Barb120459: boy group (explored)
Barb120459: Deep Blue (Explored 07/28/2015)
Barb120459: Kathedrale der Töne (explored 8/11/2015)
Barb120459: Geordnete Stille - assorted silence (explored 08/09/2015)
Barb120459: Heuernte (explored 08/23/2015)
Barb120459: the oldest object...(Explored 12/07/15)
Barb120459: Nachsaison- Late season
Barb120459: Paris
Barb120459: I'm not amused.
Barb120459: About a Girl
Barb120459: Reiselust... ( wanderlusty...)
Barb120459: Leaves
Barb120459: Gewitterfront
Barb120459: Dünenlandschaft (Explored)
Barb120459: Gimme nine! (Explored)
Barb120459: Rose and Morning Dew - Explored
Barb120459: B wie Buch wie Barbara
Barb120459: The Beatles (Eleanor Rigby)
Barb120459: Salt and Silver
Barb120459: Holiday Bokeh
Barb120459: Corner
Barb120459: Fresh up (dogwood 5/52)
Barb120459: One second
Barb120459: Falling dusk