glendalf: whec717_kodiak
glendalf: SNOWCMP1
glendalf: kodiak121
glendalf: insidePassage116
glendalf: bigHalibut
glendalf: aleut_01
glendalf: ron_powrwgn_lo
glendalf: AlFry_01a
glendalf: Auto_MA2
glendalf: GG_8mm_ice_01a
glendalf: muzFlash_01a
glendalf: orcaFood_03a
glendalf: orcaFood_02a
glendalf: orcaFood_01a
glendalf: No VCRs in the '70s so TVs were removed for Alaska Patrol. We had to find other ways to entertain ourselves.
glendalf: USCGC Boutwell in Kodiak, May 1975
glendalf: Sonar Techs Glen Gustafson and Scott Schneider after a recreational flight, 1973. Glen went to USCGC Boutwell and Scott went to the Munro.
glendalf: NOAA ship Surveyor had damaged its reduction gears. USCGC Boutwell towed her back to Kodiak for repairs. Serious skills involved!