hansreb3: DSC_4687
hansreb3: Long-eared Owl
hansreb3: Roadrunner Portrait
hansreb3: Great Grey 2
hansreb3: Mama Duck
hansreb3: Cedar Waxwings
hansreb3: Red-naped Sapsucker
hansreb3: Brown Creeper
hansreb3: Yellow-rumped Warbler in Winter
hansreb3: Sharp-tailed Grouse
hansreb3: Bushtit
hansreb3: Marsh Wren
hansreb3: Yellow-headed Blackbird
hansreb3: Barn Owl
hansreb3: Chickadee Dine and Dash
hansreb3: Osprey
hansreb3: Yellow Warbler
hansreb3: Male Sage Grouse
hansreb3: Mountain Chickadee
hansreb3: Northern Flicker
hansreb3: Great Horned Owl
hansreb3: Ruby Crowned Kinglet
hansreb3: Ruffed Grouse
hansreb3: Ring-billed Gull with Carp
hansreb3: cooper's hawk
hansreb3: Mountain Chickadee
hansreb3: bushtit
hansreb3: Roadrunner
hansreb3: Black Chinned Hummingbird
hansreb3: American Avocets