rob.reed35: Dingo at home 1
rob.reed35: Lady and Dingo 039.jpg
rob.reed35: Ding's first trip to the dog park
rob.reed35: CO drive 089.jpg
rob.reed35: Rob and Dingo, SLC foothills
rob.reed35: Dingo Shoreline II
rob.reed35: K n D
rob.reed35: Lady and Dingo near Park City
rob.reed35: You are my hero - Our first long hike with Ding in the Uintas
rob.reed35: Suspicious of more hiking
rob.reed35: Protecting modesty - mountain lake in the Uintas
rob.reed35: Dog island
rob.reed35: Dog island III
rob.reed35: The pack
rob.reed35: Dingo charging
rob.reed35: Co-pilots
rob.reed35: Dingo 2
rob.reed35: Dingo 8
rob.reed35: Buddies for life
rob.reed35: Dog bliss
rob.reed35: Airborne!
rob.reed35: Dingo and Molly
rob.reed35: Dingo before rolling in the worst smell of all time
rob.reed35: AHHHH!!!! - This is AT our remote campsite
rob.reed35: Family photo for real
rob.reed35: Alert
rob.reed35: IMG_0668.jpg
rob.reed35: Lincoln City bounding
rob.reed35: Playing