m.musumeche: Short-billed Dowitcher and Dunlin, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Wilson's Plover, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Western Sandpiper (?), Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Am. Oystercatcher, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Magnificent Frigatebird, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Bronzed Cowbird, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Short-billed Dowitcher, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Short-billed Dowitcher, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Least tern, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Least Tern, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Am. Golden-Plover (?), Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Ruddy Turnstone with Willets. Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Orchard Oriole (unusual plumage), Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Orchard Oriole (unusual plumage), Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Marbled Godwit, Whimbrel in back, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Marbled Godwit, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Whimbrel, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Willet, Grand Isle
m.musumeche: Yellow-headed Blackbird (female), Grand Isle