steven.clennell: Exploring Near Aylesbury: Burn Hill
steven.clennell: Exploring Near Aylesbury: Eythrope
steven.clennell: Exploring Near Aylesbury: Eythrope Bridge
steven.clennell: Exploring Near Aylesbury: Derelict Building - Stone
steven.clennell: Stowe: Across the Octagon Lake to the Corinthian Arch
steven.clennell: Stowe: Palladian Bridge to the Gothic Temple
steven.clennell: Stowe: Toward the Cascade and Artificial Ruins
steven.clennell: Eythrope IR
steven.clennell: Across the Fields to Beacon Hill
steven.clennell: Coombe Hill Woods at Dawn
steven.clennell: Ferns at Dawn
steven.clennell: Spikes at Sunset
steven.clennell: I Know Where the Bastard Sleeps