Keefy2014: 00 Map of Dirk Hartog Island
Keefy2014: 01 Dirk Hartog Island barge at Cape Ransonnet
Keefy2014: 02 Typical tracks and scenery
Keefy2014: 03 The bay at Surf Point
Keefy2014: 04 White-bellied Sea-eagle
Keefy2014: 05 A ghost crab at Surf Point
Keefy2014: 06 Pied cormorants at Surf Point
Keefy2014: 07 The wild surf at Surf Point
Keefy2014: 08 An immature Silver Gull
Keefy2014: 09 Near the Blowholes
Keefy2014: 10 The Blowholes
Keefy2014: 11 The cliffs at the Blowholes
Keefy2014: 12 The barren landscape behind the Blowholes
Keefy2014: 13 Australasian Pipit
Keefy2014: 14 Dirk Hartog Island Eco Lodge
Keefy2014: 15 Coastal lagoons between Sandy and Withnell Points
Keefy2014: 16 Red-capped Plover
Keefy2014: 16a Welcome Swallows
Keefy2014: 17 Pied Cormorant
Keefy2014: 18 Withnell Point
Keefy2014: 19 Coral encrusted rocks at Withnell Point
Keefy2014: 20 Oysters at Withnell Point
Keefy2014: Crested Terns at Withnell Point
Keefy2014: Grey-tailed Tattler (Tringa brevipes)
Keefy2014: 23 Withnell Point bay
Keefy2014: 23a Camping at Withnell Point bay
Keefy2014: 24 Rufous Fieldwren
Keefy2014: 25 Common Sandpiper
Keefy2014: 26 Lesser Crested Tern
Keefy2014: 27 Great Knot