birthofvenus1981: Are those udders straight?
birthofvenus1981: Heather Contemplates The Big Ball
birthofvenus1981: Testing to see if the Big Ball moves
birthofvenus1981: Deciding that the Big Ball is static and can therefore be stood upon
birthofvenus1981: Weird Cow's Head
birthofvenus1981: Warning Sign Cow (with finger pointing at arse)
birthofvenus1981: Vettriano - the painting you're familiar with
birthofvenus1981: Vettriano Cow - the alternative painting
birthofvenus1981: Family of parcel-wrapped cows at Ocean Terminal
birthofvenus1981: Queen parcel-wrapped cow
birthofvenus1981: Junior parcel-wrapped cow
birthofvenus1981: Another junior parcel-wrapped cow
birthofvenus1981: Daddy parcel-wrapped cow
birthofvenus1981: Three Grazers
birthofvenus1981: Sunset Cow
birthofvenus1981: Kirsten and Heather say hello to Stripey Cow
birthofvenus1981: Stripey Cow
birthofvenus1981: Streetmap Cow
birthofvenus1981: Starry Blue Cow
birthofvenus1981: Gift-Wrapped Cow
birthofvenus1981: Snakes and Ladders Cow
birthofvenus1981: Robocow with Heather and Kirsten at the rear
birthofvenus1981: Robocow in black and white
birthofvenus1981: Conventional Cow
birthofvenus1981: Missing Animals Cow
birthofvenus1981: Missing Animals Cow
birthofvenus1981: Metamoophosis
birthofvenus1981: Tabloid cow