bethisrael1: Breaking Ground, Allan and Darlene
bethisrael1: Breaking Ground, the Ranzers
bethisrael1: Staked out before construction
bethisrael1: bema in construction
bethisrael1: Breaking Ground
bethisrael1: at Ground Breaking
bethisrael1: bringing in the flag to our new home
bethisrael1: the arc
bethisrael1: moving in
bethisrael1: cbi-dmr-our presidents
bethisrael1: Len and Joanne
bethisrael1: Judy W.
bethisrael1: cbi-dmr-Allen
bethisrael1: cbi5
bethisrael1: cbi-dmr-
bethisrael1: moving in
bethisrael1: Joanne R.
bethisrael1: Talia
bethisrael1: building
bethisrael1: The Ranzers
bethisrael1: Synagogue ground breaking
bethisrael1: Moses coming down from the mountain?
bethisrael1: scan0012
bethisrael1: scan0011
bethisrael1: scan0010
bethisrael1: scan0009
bethisrael1: scan0008
bethisrael1: scan0007