bethisrael1: Chris Kelly at the gala
bethisrael1: Dr. Darlene Radin
bethisrael1: 125th Gala
bethisrael1: 125th Gala
bethisrael1: 125th Gala
bethisrael1: 125th Gala
bethisrael1: Steven Green at the Gala
bethisrael1: Darlene and Rose at the 125th Gala
bethisrael1: Rose and Steven at the Gala
bethisrael1: Concentration
bethisrael1: Blowing Out the Flame
bethisrael1: Lighting the Candle
bethisrael1: Laura Lights the Candles
bethisrael1: Rose Ellis, Co-Chair
bethisrael1: Bruce at the 125th Gala
bethisrael1: 125th Gala
bethisrael1: The Tables are Set
bethisrael1: Steven Connects the Wires
bethisrael1: Steven gives the Jewish Star Award to the Rabbi
bethisrael1: Alan Bashevkin at the Gala
bethisrael1: Mayor Tom Bernard at the 125 th Gala
bethisrael1: Havdalah
bethisrael1: Steven Green lights the Havdalah Candle
bethisrael1: 125 th Gala
bethisrael1: Ready for the Gala
bethisrael1: Dancing at the 125th Gala
bethisrael1: Rose and Len Dance at the Gala
bethisrael1: 125thGala
bethisrael1: Robin Brickman and Elizabeth Miller at the Gala
bethisrael1: Cheryl Sacks and Steven Green at the Gala