waynelensman123: Bewick's swan - Cygnus bewickii
waynelensman123: Bewick's swan - Cygnus bewickii
waynelensman123: Little egret - Egretta garzetta
waynelensman123: Robin - Erithacus rubecula
waynelensman123: Common sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
waynelensman123: Cattle egret - Bubulcus ibis
waynelensman123: Pied flycatcher - Ficedula hypoleuca
waynelensman123: Wood-pigeon - Columba palumbus
waynelensman123: Barn owl - Tyto alba
waynelensman123: Red kite - Milvus milvus
waynelensman123: Tawny owl - Strix aluco
waynelensman123: Barn owl - Tyto alba
waynelensman123: Snowy owl - Nyctea scandiaca
waynelensman123: Tawny owl - Strix aluco
waynelensman123: Barn owl - Tyto alba
waynelensman123: Golden eagle - Aquila Chrysaetos
waynelensman123: Siskin - Carduelis spinus
waynelensman123: Barn owl - Tyto alba
waynelensman123: Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus (male)
waynelensman123: Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus (male)
waynelensman123: Dipper - Cinclus cinclus
waynelensman123: Pied wagtail - Motacilla alba yarrellii
waynelensman123: Dipper - Cinclus cinclus
waynelensman123: Goosander - Mergus merganser with chicks
waynelensman123: Goosander - Mergus merganser with chicks
waynelensman123: Swallow - Hirundo rustica
waynelensman123: Barn owl - Tyto alba
waynelensman123: Little owl - Athene noctua
waynelensman123: Barn owl - Tyto alba
waynelensman123: Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus (male)