elsiefrongoch35: 077 Library
elsiefrongoch35: 076 secret door in Library
elsiefrongoch35: 075 Piano like I used to have
elsiefrongoch35: 074 Harpsicord in Drawing room
elsiefrongoch35: 073 Drawing room
elsiefrongoch35: 072 Slate sink in Scullery
elsiefrongoch35: 070 talk about the tools in kitchen
elsiefrongoch35: 069 Castle scullery
elsiefrongoch35: 068 Castle Kitchen
elsiefrongoch35: 066 Big Black Bear
elsiefrongoch35: 065 Detail of paneling on the door and around room
elsiefrongoch35: 064 Triddarn in the dining room
elsiefrongoch35: 063 Dining room
elsiefrongoch35: 062 Dining room of Castle
elsiefrongoch35: 061 View from front of Castle
elsiefrongoch35: 060 Flower beds outside Castle
elsiefrongoch35: 059 Ardgillan Castle from the back