chowchilla: #74 Play of light
chowchilla: #20 Colours in nature - Hyacinth Orchids
chowchilla: #6 Bars - a barred tail feather of a Red-tailed Black-cockatoo
chowchilla: #21 Computers
chowchilla: #2 Accessories - a leafy seadragon earring
chowchilla: #15 Choice - a range of inks to choose from...
chowchilla: #14 Cheese - curds cut ready to make feta-style cheese
chowchilla: #40 Garden bird - Australian Magpie
chowchilla: 12/100 and #46 Harlequin: Harlequin Bugs (Dindymus versicolor)
chowchilla: #38 Feathers: Peacock feathers
chowchilla: #116: Vine fruits
chowchilla: #13 Ceramics
chowchilla: #85 Saffron
chowchilla: #47 Hircine
chowchilla: #117 Warm colours
chowchilla: #5 Arts and crafts - Indonesian fabric
chowchilla: #82 Retro
chowchilla: #65 Nuts - pine nuts for making basil pesto
chowchilla: #108 Toasted - toasted bread for bruschetta