chowchilla: Double-eyed fig-parrot
chowchilla: Brush bronzewing
chowchilla: Splendid fairy-wren
chowchilla: Red-eared firetail
chowchilla: Eastern yellow robin
chowchilla: Red-capped robin
chowchilla: Black-winged stilt
chowchilla: Superb parrot
chowchilla: Yellow-billed kingfisher
chowchilla: Eastern rosella
chowchilla: Red-backed fairy-wren
chowchilla: Wedge-tailed eagle
chowchilla: Australian pratincoles
chowchilla: Spotted Pardalote
chowchilla: Purple swamphen
chowchilla: White-browed woodswallow
chowchilla: Brown falcon clutching starling
chowchilla: Brown songlark
chowchilla: Dusky woodswallow with nesting material
chowchilla: White-bellied cuckoo-shrike
chowchilla: Hooded robin
chowchilla: Regent honeyeater
chowchilla: Rockwarbler
chowchilla: Plum-headed finch
chowchilla: Red-winged fairy-wren
chowchilla: Grey teal
chowchilla: A chorus of corellas
chowchilla: Long-billed corella
chowchilla: Rock parrot!
chowchilla: Apostlebird