chowchilla: Airstrip at Cowarie Station
chowchilla: Our plane
chowchilla: 4WD track
chowchilla: Mistletoe flowers
chowchilla: Narrow-banded sand swimmer (Eremiascincus fasciolatus)
chowchilla: Tree dtella (Gehrya variegata)
chowchilla: Sandy inland mouse (Pseudomys hermannsburgensis)
chowchilla: Spider tracks
chowchilla: Lerista tracks
chowchilla: Pitfall trapping
chowchilla: Sand dune
chowchilla: Mammal tracks
chowchilla: Budgie! (Melopsittacus undulatus)
chowchilla: Coolabah (Eucalyptus coolabah)
chowchilla: P1020901
chowchilla: Our tent
chowchilla: Where the water has been...
chowchilla: Warburton River
chowchilla: Annual yellow top (Senecio gregorii)
chowchilla: Little corellas at their nest (Cacatua sanguinea)
chowchilla: Ampurta (Dasycercus hillieri) burrow
chowchilla: Little corella (Cacatua sanguinea)
chowchilla: P1020821
chowchilla: Fossils
chowchilla: Kallakoopah River
chowchilla: Warburton Groove
chowchilla: Birding the Warburton Groove
chowchilla: Our Lake Eyre transport
chowchilla: Raining at Lake Eyre
chowchilla: Lake Eyre