mexou: Still 1
mexou: Still 2
mexou: Still 3
mexou: Still 5
mexou: Facing an old pared habitat
mexou: Facing an old pared habitat
mexou: Facing an old pared habitat
mexou: Facing an old pared habitat
mexou: The same creek meandering in a wood lot
mexou: The same creek meandering in a wood lot
mexou: The same creek meandering in a wood lot
mexou: The same creek meandering in a wood lot
mexou: The same creek meandering in a wood lot
mexou: The same creek meandering in a wood lot
mexou: The same creek meandering in a wood lot
mexou: The same creek meandering in a wood lot
mexou: Upstream
mexou: Upstream
mexou: Upstream
mexou: Upstream
mexou: Upstream
mexou: Upstream
mexou: Upstream
mexou: Near and far
mexou: Near and far
mexou: Near and far
mexou: Near and far
mexou: Near and far
mexou: Near and far
mexou: Rocks