Michael Clapp: Garndma and Claire
Michael Clapp: Waiting in the kitchen
Michael Clapp: Claire's view of Grandpa
Michael Clapp: Claire's view of the feast
Michael Clapp: Claire's view of the feast
Michael Clapp: Claire's view of the feast
Michael Clapp: Candles
Michael Clapp: The gift of green
Michael Clapp: The gift of green
Michael Clapp: Cake and ice cream
Michael Clapp: Cake and ice cream
Michael Clapp: Cake and ice cream
Michael Clapp: Claire and Zack
Michael Clapp: Opening presents
Michael Clapp: Abbi and Denny
Michael Clapp: Neta Mae
Michael Clapp: Opening grandma's gift
Michael Clapp: Pictures of Claire
Michael Clapp: Mom, Dad and Carol