drstar.: Autumn beauty
drstar.: Real Naturmort
drstar.: Long shadows
drstar.: A bit of mountain air
drstar.: Alone but happy
drstar.: Apparent..
drstar.: grow old
drstar.: Away from the noise of the city.
drstar.: endure..
drstar.: Real solitude & Silence.(Happy Earth Day!)
drstar.: Partly cloudy
drstar.: Spotlight( Top25ofFlickr2016)
drstar.: Silver waves & coral
drstar.: excluded
drstar.: Real Dreams.
drstar.: Hero..
drstar.: Defier
drstar.: Rain needed
drstar.: Beams & Silhouettes
drstar.: Spring rains
drstar.: Solitude
drstar.: Four thousand year old stone place.From Hattusa.
drstar.: Winter without snow
drstar.: Calm..
drstar.: way-out