G.K.W: 043-100 Emmeline Pankhurst
G.K.W: 045-100
G.K.W: 046-100 Tuesday Art class charcoal
G.K.W: 047-100 using Liquitex paint markers -not sure about them yet ??
G.K.W: 051-100 Sir Gerald Kaufman MP
G.K.W: 055-100 Thursday Art class
G.K.W: 056-100
G.K.W: 057-100
G.K.W: 058-100 - Picasso
G.K.W: 059-100 Bad hair day
G.K.W: 060-100
G.K.W: 061-100
G.K.W: 062-100
G.K.W: 063-100 Girl with Pearl earring
G.K.W: 066-100
G.K.W: 067-100
G.K.W: 069-100
G.K.W: 07-100
G.K.W: 072-100
G.K.W: 073-100. John Ruskin 1819-1900
G.K.W: 075-100 Singer Sargent
G.K.W: 076-100 Oscar Wilde
G.K.W: Julie Cope’s Tour - Grayson Perry - Abbot Hall Kendal. detail from one of his tapestries 077-100
G.K.W: 078-100
G.K.W: John Nash 1893-1977 British Painter & Wood engraver. 079-100
G.K.W: 081-100 Paul Nash
G.K.W: 082-100 Patrick Stewart OBE
G.K.W: 083-100
G.K.W: 086-100
G.K.W: 087-100 - do you remember Blondie